Mircrosoft is blending AI and ML to port legacy hardware to Azure. The concept project has been dubbed "Cognitive Pinball and was put on display for the visit of CEO Satya Nadella.
It's a perfectly running vintage Star Wars pinnie, albeit with a few custom mods. There was no mention of Project JEDI in Nadella's Aussie speech, but the synergies are awesome...
If you ever wondered where the concept of the start button spawned from...
Here you go...
The machine plays itself, and learns as it goes. This is the gaming surface.
Which on closer inspection doesn't really date.
Upgrades are available.
This is the overhead camera that feeds motion data to Azure.
With clear instructions.
R2 contemplates the upgrade path. Look left for the big hole.
Master Yoda likes to get lit. Even if he doesn't look that well.
Fully lit.
The Force has is rewards.
What is it with bad guys and hoodies?
Microsoft is also working on AI for trains called Train DNA that ingests data from Sydney's Waratah trains. (The model isn't a Waratah, it's a V Set.)
And has built a conceptual model of a city.
The data ingetsted from sensors enables "predictive maintenance".
Which is aimed at boosting safety and reliability.
There was also an Azure powered Juice Bar. It uses recognition of facial expressions.
To make binary comparison choices.
We couldn't figure out what this workspace was, but suspect it's autonomous transport related. Business Class will never be the same.
Though you do get a foot rest.
And a retractable work surface.
Seating is adequate, but not generous.
And there is somewhere to put your bag.
Mircrosoft is blending AI and ML to port legacy hardware to Azure. The concept project has been dubbed "Cognitive Pinball and was put on display for the visit of CEO Satya Nadella.