Domino’s bulks up digital

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Domino’s bulks up digital

Expansionary mood a response to market challenges.

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises more than doubled its technology investment in the 2022 financial year, despite a business environment that group CEO and managing director Don Meij said remains challenging.

In the company’s annual report [pdf], Meij said poor corporate store performance in Japan, expansion investment in Denmark, high inflation (particularly in Europe), and foreign exchange headwinds put the brakes on DPE’s results.

While store sales (up 4.6 percent to $3.9 billion) and online sales (up 4.4 percent to $3.1 billion) both grew, net profit after tax was down 12.5 percent to $165 million.

One part of DPE’s response to the challenges has been increased capital expenditure, from $84 million to more than $137 million, both to expand the company’s store network, and more backing for its digital investments.

Digital investment more than doubled in that time, from $18 million to $43 million in the 2022 financial year.

This included spending on a new native ordering app, a “next generation” online ordering system, and GPS tracking for delivery drivers.

The latest version of its mobile app has now been rolled out in Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe.

App users, the company said, spend more each year, order more frequently, and show less churn.

For the coming financial year, DPE said it will be implementing its proprietary OneDigital platform in Taiwan, to support an expansion based on an acquisition this year.

Other technology investments include digital temperature monitoring, and the rollout of the Critizr feedback tool across multiple markets.

DPE’s customer service and relationships division was reorganised and merged with its digital and marketing operations, under a “Voice of the Customer” banner.

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